download Museum Concept Plan
State Senator Robert Wieckowski from Fremont has helped to secure long term funding for the Math Science Nucleus to upgrade and continue the work MSN has been doing in the schools and community.
We will be acknowledging the funds on October 1 during a luncheon at the Children's Natural History Museum.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact us at msn@msnucleus.org.
Long range planning is essential to keep the Wesley Gordon Fossil Hall and associated exhibits so children and community can see for a long time. It is the dream of the Board of Directors of the Math Science Nucleus to generate a business plan that will assure that the materials that we have collected over the last 25 years will remain on display for all to see.
The museum we are planning will incorporate our Integrating Science, Math, and Technology Curriculum within classroom/exhibit space. We want students to not only see the Wesley Gordon Fossil Hall, but to experience other science and math programs that we already offer.